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Saturday, November 30, 2019

Whatsapp Bug

WhatsApp Bug Exposes Your Personal Chats | Update WhatsApp




WhatsApp Bug Exposes Your Personal Chats

The Internet has taken the world like anything. The first and foremost thing why most people use the Internet is to communicate. One such communicating platform is WhatsApp. Learn How To Hack Whatsapp?
This social media app lets you connect with the people and to send texts, documents, images, videos, gifs, contacts, etc

The WhatsApp is hyped so much today that it has become a primary human need along with a strong data connection.
Where there is an inter-networks extending to a worldwide platform, there also comes a concern of security hand in hand. Without security, your data is vulnerable to everyone and not everyone will choose to ignore it.
There exist a few black hat hackers waiting to exploit your resources as soon as any vulnerability is detected. These vulnerabilities can be caused deliberately to expose your credentials and highly confidential information.

A tip to always be followed during any social media interaction is that never let any data transfer which can be used against you to untrusted sources.
One such recent WhatsApp Bug was found which was followed by immediate updates to ensure the security of your accounts.

What was it about?

It basically consisted of a malicious mp4 video that was sent to the victim’s mobile number via WhatsApp and the WhatsApp business app. Once upon downloading, it’d immediately capture your messaging data and was stored in the hacker’s database.
This security bug was called ‘CVE-2019-11931’ which affected the app on all the platforms of mobile OS including Windows, Android, and iOS.

How did Whatsapp Bug work?

The mp4 video file was specially crafted for WhatsApp which consisted of a stack overflow mechanism. Upon downloading it’d allow the malicious code to run deliberately without the victim being aware of it.
For now, it is not clear if the malware is triggered only by receiving or also by downloading it.

What are the updates?

For now, no exploitation has been reported and attempts are being made to figure out about the motive behind this viral bug.
Facebook-owned WhatsApp also mentioned that they’re diligently working to improve the security issues constantly and no other details about the video such as size, image or the associated message with the video will look like.

What can be the possible reasons?

Cyberwarfare is a virtual battleground where people can use social media for ransom or complete their criminal motives.
As more and more people are engaged in WhatsApp, it becomes easy to randomly generate the contacts and steal your identity or to hijack the device so as to complete the secular, political, organizational, personal and unknown unethical motives.

By living in a society where our day and ends with the internet, we should be aware of the updates from a trusted resource and also get at least adequate data of current security bugs.

What can be done?

At a personal level, DO NOT FORWARD or download the content which comes from unknown contacts. Always verify the file you receive is genuine. Also, take responsibility for not making your data viral anywhere. Learn How To Get Fake Number For WhatsApp Verification
Let no loopholes exist from your side so that your data is vulnerable and open to all. Many such security bugs can rise up with different methods of gaining unauthorized access.
BE AWARE of malicious files or ransomware. Always take help from the recognized authorities if you’ve been a victim and it’s time to unite against the cyber-crimes.



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